If you’ve applied for a new credit card, you would have probably got a low credit limit initially. But as soon as you start using your card and repaying on time, banks will have an idea as how much you spend and how much credit limit you can handle. So banks review & increase the limits every few months once based on your usage. However, we can’t wait for automatic limit enhancement call if there is a need for high volume purchases. So you can try out any of these ways to increase your credit limit once your card is 6 months old.
7 Proven ways to Increase your Credit Card Limit:
#1 Show your Increase in income:
If your income has increased considerably, forward your last 3 months salary slips or IT returns to the bank and let them know that you’re now getting a better salary and so to review your credit limit. This works most of the time and you can expect a decent increase, provided your usage is equally good.
#2 Show Your Reduced Liabilities:
You might have taken a personal/home loan when you’ve applied for the credit card. Most people doesnt know that such loans/EMI’s are one of the important factors influencing your credit limit as explained earlier. If you’ve closed any of your loans, forward the loan closure papers to bank and request for a better limit stating that you’re now paying less/no EMI and so you have higher spending power.
#3 Show Better Limits on other Cards(if any):
If you happen to get a far better limit on your other credit cards, let the bank know about it. For example, if your credit limit with ICICI is Rs.50k and you’ve credit limit of Rs.2 Lakhs on your HDFC credit card, forward your HDFC statements to ICICI requesting for a equal/better limit. However, don’t do this if the difference is less, like Rs.25k or so.
#4 Upgrade + Limit Enhancement:
Ask the bank if you are eligible for the next level of cards(premium) than your existing card. If you are eligible, request for a limit enhancement along with your credit card upgrade. Don’t forget about the yearly fees of the new card in this case.
#5 Spend more on your Card:
The first & foremost reason for anyone to avail more limit is that the existing limit is not sufficient. So you must be spending as much as you can on that card and payback on time to prove that you are worth handling more limit and also that you can transact more. If you’ve taken EMI/loans on your card and paid them all, its a great plus.
Banks love customers who spend more and pay bills on time. Spend a lot on your card for 3-4 months and tell bank there are more to come in future for which you need a better limit to handle it.
#6 Use the Credit card for foreign Travel:
Banks love people who travel abroad. That’s because they earn a lot on foreign currency markup fees for every transaction you make outside India. Also, if a customer has the ability to travel abroad, his net worth has to be pretty decent and so obviously deserves a better limit.
#7 Wait for an Increase to happen Naturally:
Hope you know the fact “Great things happen to those who wait”. It applies to credit card limits as well. If you use above 6 steps, you are likely to get 25%-50% limit enhancement, but if you leave it as it is, you can expect close to 100% limit increase. This happened to one of my friend recently, he had 80k limit for about an year with decent spending & repay pattern and he got an offer to increase it to 1.55 Lakhs.
As said, this is the best way to increase the limitΒ to greater numbers, however, you got to wait for the automatic algorithm to do this work. Its worth the wait though π
What not to do while asking for Credit Limit Enhancement:
Never forget the fact that a bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.
Those are the handy tips to increase your existing credit card limit. Understand that a higher limit can easily tempt you to spend more and lead you down to a dangerous road. Try not to change your spending habits just because you’ve got lot of plastic money at your disposal. As a thumb rule, use credit cards only to reap its advantages and only if you’re sure that you can pay back on time.
Related: 7 less known Reasons to have a credit card in India
Got anything to say? drop your comments below.
Good tips dude. Really helpful to understand the advantages of credit card and diadvantages as well. Idea to use credit card well explaind. My thanks for that.
Very nice tips, Thank u sir
Hiii want to credit limit increase. Pls help on this.
It’s simple dude, just follow the above 7 Proven ways to Increase your Credit Card Limit!! Enjoy!!
My credit cards limit increases please sir
I am gagandeep singh I have very low Credit limit I work cards every where. My salary comes in the hdfc accont I have put my requst to hdfc bank also so plz sir or madam plz extend my credit limit
To what extent the credit limit can be used to maintain good record in the bank.
For example if the limit is 1.5 lakh.. How much can I use..
30% is a good range Manu.
Dear Siddharth,
Do you still believe that 30% is a good range?
I think 75% is a good range
Keep your utilisation under 30% of the sanctioned limit. For example if your sanction limit is 150K. Keep your utilisation under 45K.
Hi i wanted to increase my credit card limit could u suggest me.
Need to automatically increased credit limit that`s everyone expecting
Does higher number of credit card really has negative impact on credit worthiness? Any idea about maximum number of card one can hold before hitting the limit.
No, there can be only a positive impact.
I hold 5+ cards and i still have pretty good score.
Note that on every card application, your score goes down, however, it gets back to normal after 6 months or so as long as you repay and use properly.
Thank you for posting detail info about credit cards .
I have a CC with a limit of 20K and I spend like 35-50K per month by paying advance payment. I have this card with me for the last 6 month, and I always used like this. Should I ask for a better limit or wait till they offer enhancement?
You can ask for Limit Enhancement, preferably with your latest IT papers.
Don’t have the IT paper or salary slip, they gave me the card based on the transactions in my HDFC savings account.
Hi Anwar,
my case is similar to yours, did you contact your bank and did they increase your card’s credit limit?
Hi Pravin,
I contacted the bank, and they asked me to submit the salary slip or latest ITR. I think I have to file the ITR to move forward the application.
@Siddharth – What do you think?
Yes, ITR is vital.
Hiii want to credit limit increase. Pls help on this
Your IT papers or Salary slips speaks.
Request to help me for increase of my credit limit .
I have applied limit increase to my card for more than on month. pl help me to increase my card limit
Hi I got a messages from SBI credit card department regarding my credit card is eligible to upgrade gold to platinum. This means , my credit card limit will increased if I will upgrade my old to new platinum card.
No, Credit limit enhancement will be done only basis your income proof. Sometimes with expense/payment history.
1.every 6 months once hdfc have upgrade card and limit and If once I will give proof of IT to limit enhancement and another once which one I will to give to upgrade.
Like.fd,rd or account history
Sanjit kumar…Hii….Today my card deliver ase hdfc bank limit provide 15000 thousand and my salry 16000 thousand note expect credit limit …..plz increse my credit limit
Hi Sid,
I have a HDFC regalia First card, and SC Manhattan Card with limit > 2lakh ,an Indusind platinum card and a ICICI platinum chip card. I use all except ICICI one which also has a limit of about 2lakh. I want ICICI to upgrade it to some better card as with platinum card the rewards is so less I don’t have any motivation to use it.So how to tell ICICI to upgrade the card. All the cards I have are LFT cards and in upagrde from ICICI i want a LFT free card. what to do ?
No worries, all ICICI cards has poor reward rate. So skip it for lifetime unless they come up with a better reward structure π
Which credit cards has better reward rates?
Hi siddarth
This is Jagadeesh I am using Hdfc Credit Card limit of Rs.45000 since 2015.Now I am promoted and am drawing salary Rs.40000 per month.
Can I apply for Limit Enhancement as well card upgradation.
Sure, you can apply for LE π
I need to increase my credit card limit. Now my limit is 30k. How much I can increase. Now my salary increases from 15k-25k. I have low score in cibil does I can get card enhancement or not.
I have below Credit card with Limit :
ICICI Coral Credit – 44
SBI platinum – 50K
Kotak – 30K
I want to increase my credit limit in all card at one go
I talked with ICICI, HDFC Customer Care they told me to There is no offer on CL.
I want to increase SBI Credit card limit i am using this card from past 7 month and my spending on SBI Card is around 3 Lakh.
You can fill the LE form and send it to Chennai address for HDFC, similar way for other banks as well.
Hi Sid,
Great article.
Any recommendations on cards for international travel – ticket booking specifically. Currently own a JetWorld HDFC and AMEX Gold Card
Sure, an article on it is coming soon in detail π
Hello Siddharth,
Earlier, I was getting less salary and I was provided with hdfc jet privilege card of Rs. 45000 limit. Now my pay scale got increased and I’m paying my minimum balance correctly from the month I got the credit card. Recently, even I’m paying full credit balance and making use of same amount in a month. It’s been 3 years before I got the card. Is there a way of getting my limit increased now?
Send them new Salary slips.
Today I received my HDFC CC but limit is too bad. At the time of apply of CC, agent told me to provide limits between 1-3L but they provided not more than 10% of min. This is really very disgusting.
I have a new credit card for icici bank with a limit of 30k. It’s my new salary account . Can I raise my credit limit. If yes then how.? My current salary is 25k.
You can try after 6 months
Hi ,
I have a credit card of kotahk mahendra bank . this card was issued to me 6 mts ago based on my salary account with credit Limit 15k and my salary is 25000.00 can u please tel me can I ask bank to increase credit limit my payments are regular and I do full payment……….
Callup Kotak Phonebanking, they might help.
I have a bharat cahback card with 40k limit on a 30k salary. Will spending more allow me to get a higher limit to buy something for 45k which i need ? my cibil is 800 and this was my first credit card in jan 17. The saving hdfc account its linked with is also 4 years old. Spending on paytm can make me easily touch the 40k monthly limits with no spents. Salary wont increase for 6-8 months.
Spending more can help, but HDFC primarily looks for increase in income.
I was send ITR to chennai address for card upgrade and LE.
2.how much time to card upgrade
Sir may income would increasing this time. my income approximate 5 lakh something. please entrenched credit card limit.
Hi Siddharth, you have made really good points regarding how to increase the limit.
I currently have an HDFC Credit Card with a limit of 75k, its been around 7 months and I have been using my card regularly. No limit increase till now.
The problem is that I want to buy something for 1.2k, so If I put the remaining amount in the card, will I be able to buy it? I know it won’t increase my limit that way, but just wanted to know if I will be able to buy the product which costs 1.2k
Kindly Reply
Thank You
No, you wont be able to do this with HDFC, ICICI & AXIS used to allow this. You may try charging twice, though not sure if it will work. If you pay excess (higher amount) to card, it takes some time for the adjusting to happen. Its like a day or two as i experienced a month back.
Thanks for the reply, is there any other way I could buy the product which is more than my credit card limit?
When paying my credit card bills, the excess amount goes in “Minus” then I guess it adjusts when the next bill comes, I never calculated to be honest.
Tough with HDFC. It adjusts in 2-3 days.
1.i was send ITR to chennai address for upgrade to regalia and LE.and he is simply rejected my documents without any reasons.
2.next wat I do.if I again send documents for only LE.
Hi sidarath
If I used my hdfc credit card fully n paying due amount n apply for new card in other bank will I get or they cancell my application…
Dear Siddharth
Could you please guide on how I can request for increase in limit of ICICI card showing higher limit on other cards…
My ICICI Jet Airways saphiro is having a credit limit of Rs.1.26 lakhs. Want to increase the limit showing the Rs.7.50 lakhs limit on HDFC Diners Black.
ICICI doesnt do like that as far as i know. But you can try sending them the documents.
You are right siddharth. They don’t entertain requests based on limits of other banks.
My mother is a Classic customer of HDFC bank and we applied for Business moneyback card and she was approved ( credit limit of Rs. 59,000 ). Now we got an offer to upgrade it to Business Regalia First which we accepted but they have not increased the limit.
Now should I sent limit enhancement form right now or wait for 6 months from the date of issue of moneyback or wait for 6 months from the date of issue of Regalia First ?
6 months from date of Issue of MB should be fine.
Thanks a lot.
Nice article and information. I wanted to ask a different query in case if you know. I applied for SBI Prime Card online, 2 days later i got a verification call and adcised that i will be contacted for documents. Later got another call mentioning that my application has approved and need to provide kyc documents.
Again after 2 days got call for kyc info verification, and stated confirming the delivery location (my preference) then advised that i will receive the card at preferred address mentioned and will get a call to select the CPP in a week; however, its been 10 days and the status shows as in process.
I contected them via email they said its in process and yet there is no call for CPP selection and no other update… only shows the status as “Your SBI card application is in progress. We will get back to you soon.”
Please assist if you have any idea on that?
Sir, credit card limit 30k. And my monthly salary is 22k . And I already send offline limit increase request chennai address HDFC. How many days for increase my limit ..my card 10 months old. Plz reply
Need to increase my card limit. One of the your phone banker told increase credit limt and get new card that the reason I am asking send to new card.
I have received the card very shocking because of the card credit limit not increase same limit given and also charged processing fee 499+GST.
I am very disappointed.Kindly require done full the customer,
Kindly request don’t full the icic card customers…
Just got to know from someone in HDFC credit card department that for 1st time customers, limit review is generally done in 8th or 9th month. They look at limit utilised(should never exceed 30%) and should have a good component of online shopping. These all criteria are best for limit enhancement.
Not exactly. I maxed out my limit recently and i got Auto LE offer. They have lots of algo for LE.
Whatsoever, “shopping” does help.
Cross posting this here since it seems a bit relevant. Posted this on your Cibil score post too. Please moderate either place as you deem fit.
Iβm looking to apply for a new credit card since my old one has limited rewards ( SC Infinite). I was considering the Yes Bank exclusive or Citi Prestige. However I just checked and my CIBIL score is only 789. Iβm unsure why though. I have only one credit card and have no late payments and always pay in full. I do utilize a huge amount of credit though which I of course pay off on time.
Would you recommend I try for these cards, or will they be rejected based on CIBIL Score?
I have a different experience, Siddharth. If I do not use the card at all for about 6 months, I get auto LE offer. However, if there is any pending dues (A purchase was in EMI for 12 months in 2016 and no auto LE offer during entire 2016), auto LE offer does not come. No spend in entire 2017 and got two auto LE update offers.
Hello sidharth, currently i have hdfc moneyback credit card with limit of Rs 92000 and i am getting offer to upgrade the card to regalia first. Should i go for it..?
I also have a salary account in hdfc bank and will my limit also increase in my new relgalia first card as my limit is just increased from 83k to 92k 2 days before in my current money back card
i have completed 1year for using credit card but not recived any sms or email for credit increase…..
so please check and tell me..
Thank you!!
Which card do you hold? Reach out to the customer care and they should be able to sort it out if our spends are decent or if you can provide proof of increase in income.
I am self employed with ITR of 10 lacs.
What limit will i get on this card with the above income?
Also depends on your CIBIL score and your previous credit card usage if any
I appreciate credit card officials who are our best friends in our distress.I am a Retd.Dyson Manager of S.BI.I have a SBI Platinum Credit Card since 10 Years.I avail loans against it time to time.I want to increase its limit.Is there any provision for enhancement of its limit?
I have a Standard Chartered Infinite visa card with a 350000 credit limit. Itβs the only card I have. I had asked for a limit increase in Nov β Dec 2016 during demonetization to help with online transactions. It was increased from 250000 to 350000. I asked for a credit line increase again this December because a) salary increase last April by 10% and b) I have international trips coming in February, so will need a higher limit. However my request was rejected.
I have no history of late payments and always have paid card in full. Have Stan Chart salary account too. Any idea how this will affect my credit score and why I could have been rejected. Emailing customer service didnβt help since they gave a standard response. More so now Iβm stuck without an additional card in case of higher expenses when abroad.
Rejection of Credit limit enhancement request doesn’t affect your CIBIL at all. It’s internal to bank. Every bank has it’s own criteria for credit limit increase.
What % of Annual CTC is your Credit limit?
If it’s around 40 – 50%, Getting credit limit increase could be difficult.
Thanks for the response Sharath. Annual CTC is ~ 10 times credit limit. I’m considering getting a new card because I need backup for international travel.
Yes. Adding 1 or 2 new cards will be a great backup. HDFC, Yes Bank got good cards. And it seems like SC ultimate is a better card compared to SC infinite. Pls go through Siddharth’s review.
Its very difficult to get limit increase with SC and icici. I only have credit limit of around 90k on sc and 34k on icici and using both for last 12 years. Whereas my credit limit on HDFC is 7.35 L. Sc and icici dont care even if i tell them that i will close the card and about my salary etc.
You may consider closing ICICI and reopening in few months card-on-card with HDFC. That should get you a very good limit.
Sounds strange. SCB gives me LE offer every six months even though I hardly use the card.
I have Kotak card with 2Lac limit and other ICICI, HDFC,SBI,SCB with lower limits.
Which bank will accept card to card statement limit enhancement by send Kotak higher limit statement..
I have a HDFC Regalia First card. I am unsure whether I should ask for a specific limit during LE or should I let the bank decide it itself. I am also eligible for 20% LE through HDFC net banking. Will applying physically get me higher increase in LE?
I got HDFC All Miles in September 2015 with 1.5 lakhs limit. As per my request ( through physical form of LE & Upgradation form with Rs. 3.27 lakhs ITR ) in January 2017 my card was upgraded to Regalia First and limit increased to Rs.1.8 lakhs. In January 2018 I applied for card upgradation ( to Regalia ) and LE with Rs. 4.01 lakhs ITR but got declined. Again in February 2018 I applied for only limit enhancement but got declined right away.
I have virtual preferred ac. with average balance of 10K and also a jumbo loan of Rs. 1.85 lakhs. Besides this I don’t have any other relationship with HDFC. My annual expense in this card is between Rs. 5-10 lakhs. I don’t have money to put 5-10 lakhs in saving ac to increase relationship value.
1. If I make a FD of 2 lakhs with HDFC and I take an OD on it, do you think it will help me in future for limit enhancement ( automatic or requested ) ?
2. If I apply and get Diners Club Miles will it help for LE ?
3. What a middle class guy like me should do for LE ?
1. No
2/3. Upgrade + LE usually works well from my experience.
As you may know, its an unsecured credit and so its a risk to bank to offer high limits unless you have high NRV with bank. Hence, increasing your relationship/ITR (along with decent spends) is the only 100% working way to get higher limits.
Finally after using this card for almost 2.5 years for the first HDFC has offered me automatic limit enhancement. I whole heartedly accepted it. Thanks HDFC. I love you.
Today my regalia card limit is increased to 4.5l from earlier 3.12l and interestingly on every 16 March bank automatically increased my limit and I am preferred customer of BANK and I hardly used this card not more than 1 to 2k every month.
Congratulations Amit. How old is your card and how much money you maintain in your preferred ac. ? What other relationships you have with HDFC ?
Hello my card is since 10/2015 and I have only 20k balance in my account but very high demat holdings with bank and when my limit is 3.12l on hdfc card I applied card on card to icici bank in 06/2017 and they give me initial 3l limit and in Jan 2018 they automatically increased limit to 374000 and upgraded my card to spphiro card and I have no saving account in icici bank and upgraded my card status to wealth management customer.
Happened to me also wy wifes regalia card limit was almost doubled. We hardly used that card. In fact we got a message that it will be deactived if we dont swipe un future. So de couple of small swipe and voila limit increase. Mind you my wife have hdfc credit card from last 8 years or so.
Hi Prashant,
Since your wifes Regalia card is almost 8 years old, I believe it would have reached a decent limit. So, because of the vintage and the credit limit, have you not tried upgrading it to Infinia?
Do share your experience about the same.
Is there any relation to 16th March with your statement generation date?
What is your usual statement generation date?
Hey Captain Bishuddha Bharatiya
As you said that you have a virtual preferred account with HDFC with AMB of 10k.
As far as I know, the preferred account holders need to maintain around 2L in their account.
1.Can you please let us know how you got preferred status by maintaining 10K?
2. How is virtual preferred account different from the preferred account?
Dear Himanshu
1. I opened a regular saving ac. in around Feb 2015 and I had about 2-4 lakhs in it always for at least 6 months. I also had FD of about 2 lakhs. They automatically upgraded it to Virtual Preferred ac. without informing me in 2015.
2. As far as I know there are only two major differences – A. I don’t have a RM in my branch ( Siliguri ). Infact he sits in the capital of my State ( Kolkata ) and I talk to him over the phone , B. I will get each and every benefits of preferred ac. but I only have to maintain 10K AMB.
I can add my any family member and that member can also enjoy same benefits as me and that also by maintaining only 10K AMB. Every members gets free platinum debit card ( always master variant ) that comes with 2 quarterly lounge access and 1 % cashback on any shopping. Isn’t it great.
Yes. I was using the HDFC Platinum Debit Card until it was devalued heavily in May 2017. Now we get just 1 point per 100/- spent on Telecom & Utilities and 1 point per 200/- spent on Groceries & Supermarket, Restaurant & Apparels, Entertainment.
Captain Bishuddha Bharatiya pls share your enhance Limit and what will be your previous limit.
My old limit was Rs. 1.50 lakh and my new limit is Rs. 2.25 lakhs.
My limit in All Miles in September 2015 was Rs. 1.50 lakhs, in January I upgraded it ( through physical form ) and ITR to Regalia First and limit became Rs. 1.80 lakhs. Now limit enhanced to Rs. 2.25 lakhs.
Today I got limit enhancement offer from 4 lakhs to 4.80 lakhs.
Surprisingly HDFC has again increased my credit card limit from Rs. 4,80,000 to Rs. 6,24,000. HDFC is great. In just 4 months and 11 days I got this offer. Amazing. I am loving it.
Siddharth after how many months you get automatic limit enhancement and by what percentage ?
Been a while, i guess its 2+yrs, close to 75%
Today again I got LE from Rs. 6,24,000 to Rs. 7,74,000.
Limit enhanced from 7.74 lakhs to 9.24 lakhs.
6 fold increase in 4 years… Captain your LE has beaten everything from inflation to stocks to gold to real estate!!
Thanks π
I share my experience.
I was holding HDFC Diners club Rewards CC from March 2016 with limit of 2.6 lacs
My salary gets credited into linked HDFC salary account which I am prime member.
Last year in Sept 2017 I moved out of India for an onsite assignment, my salary gets stopped credited in salary account but I kept transferring money from foreign account to HDFC account in every 2 months, this results accumulation 2 lacs of cash and around 12-13 lacs in FDs.
from Sept2017 I didn’t used my diners credit card much (<5% of limit on average per month).
Since Diners Reward card was devalued and no longer gives access to airport lounge also my credit card is getting expired in March 2019, so I wrote email to bank that either cancel my cc.
after 3 days I received sms that I am eligible for CC limit enhancement of to 8 lacs. π
I’m using flipkart axis credit card from last 2 months ….Having limit of 1.75 lac…. Received hdfc money back credit card with 50k limit…What should I do for increasing limit… or shall I wait ?
My last auto credit limit enhancement from about Rs. 1.80 lakhs to Rs. 4.60 lakhs was on October 2019 and card was also upgraded from ClubMiles to Diner’s Black. Now again yesterday i.e., on 29.02.2020 my limit was increases to Rs. 5.98 lakhs. I can’t believe this.
Hi Madhuri,
If you don’t mind, can you please share your spend breakdown from October 2019 through February 2020, as well as prior to October 2019.
Thank You!
Spends during that period was around Rs. 4,80,000 and 90% of spends was on Redgiraffee.
I just checked today that in exactly 12 months ago I had only Rs. 90,000 Credit limit in my Diner’s ClubMiles credit card. I don’t know how but I got 3 times credit limit enhancement offers and currently now my limit is Rs. 5,98,000 ( Five lakhs and ninety eight thousands rupees ).
One other question. Prior to October 2019, how much did you spend and where?
Sorry for being repetitive if you’ve already addressed the question with above answer.
Thank You!
Hi Madhuri,
Thank you for your inputs. 4.8L was spread across how many months, and how was the limit usage % during this period.
Shawn prior to that I am not sure exactly how much I was spending. It would be safe to assume that it was minimum 50k spends per month and around 20% spends was on hdfcsmartbuy and remaining was on redgiraffee.
AG 4.80 lakhs spends was from period of October 2019 to February 2020.
yup, that would really be very helpful.
I again got automatic limit enhancement offer Rs. 5,98,000 to Rs. 7,17,000.
Today got LE from Rs. 7,17,000 to Rs. 8,67,000.
On 22nd February 2022 I got auto LE from Rs. 8,67,000 to Rs. 10,67,000.
Hey everyone,
Whats the max limit one can have on their HDFC cc ?
Is it 15L ??
Me and few of my friends have a got this 15L limit and wondering where it goes next π
@ Rakesh. 25 Lakh plus is where it goes. Few on this forum itself got north of that figure.
Thanks Shivi ….but 3 of us having different limits in 12 and 13L ..got 15L limit .. all got different % of LE but current limit is exact 15L (round figure) for 3 of us.
This made us think that…is HDFC not giving any more limit than 15L now !
The same happened to me as well. have been getting exact 30% LE some 7-8 times now. last limit was 13.35L now its 15L to be exact.
Got my DCB in May 2019 with 4L limit.
1st LE in Dec 2019 to 7.86L
2nd LE in June 2020 to 9.86L
Spent 8L from My 2019 to May 2020.
Applied card at a campaign at Work where they said I can get it LTF if I open a savings account. Gladly did. After using the card for 4 or 5 months, when the new DCB benefits were introduced, I got a message saying my card has an annual fee of 10K.
Contacted customer care and they said my card was First Year Free and i will have to pay 10K annual fee from second year onwards if I do not meet spend threshold. Raised multiple complaints (say 10 of them). For one complaint, the person who conducted the campaign called me and said there was mistake on their side. This offer was not added while filling my CC application. But he also said he wont be able to convert now and said he’ll mention the details and close the ticket and I can talk to CC and get it resolved.
After this incident, I checked with CC and to my surprise, the staff who called me added comments like “Explained customer about FYF offer and Charges” and closed the ticket.
After multiple rounds with Customer care, Wrote an email to Nodal officer. Got a reply from grievance addressal team saying I will get a response in 3 days. I waited. On 3rd day at around 11 PM, got a response that they are reviewing the issue and I will get an update in another 5 days. I waited.
Got a update the next day saying they have reviewed my application and converted my card to LTF π Hurray!!
Thanked them and quickly called customer care and confirmed that my card is LTF!
Not sure if I get infinia upgrade anytime soon, but again, not sure if will upgrade to infinia even I get a change to upgrade.
For now, Peace!!
I just had an automatic increase of CL on my ICICI Amazon Pay card from 5L straight to 10L. Very unexpected.
I also have a citi rewards with 5L limit. Can you suggest what should be my next card (to apply card-on-card)? Spending is usually about 2L per annum through cards. I am inclined towards Regalia or Regalia first, but HDFC is not accepting applications for Regalia first as per their website.
With ICICI Amazon Pay card, I just had an automatic increase of credit limit from 4L to 14.8Lakhs. Very much unexpected.
Note: I didn’t used my card for past ~12 months.
me to got CL from 320L to 674000 on icici amazon cc last month
Which credit card issuer in India is very liberal in giving higher credit limit ? Anyone having more than 50L credit limit in personal credit card.
hdfc regalia limit increased to 6 lacs from 4lacs
Infinia limit increased from 10.40 to 11.90 two days back
ICICI has rolled out credit limit increases across cards by as much as 50% .
At the same time more caps and charges introduced for some categories. Now enjoy higher limits and spend less.