Contactless cards are something that got very popular in 2019 as almost every card that we receive these days are contactless enabled. But the usage of contactless is not as much as it should.
I personally love the feature as its an amazing way of paying the bill, especially for low value Txn’s at restaurants, fuel stations, movies etc as you don’t need to enter your pin for the same.
So HDFC tied up with VISA to promote usage of their contactless cards. Here’s the offer,

Offer Details
- Offer: 2X rewards on Contactless txn’s
- Max. Cap: 2000 Reward Points.
- Spend Type: Contactless txn’s
- Offer Period: Till 30th September 2019
- Fulfilment: 90 days of Promo end Period
- Source
The offer is also applicable on debit cards, but the cap is very small.

This definitely makes sense for HDFC Visa Credit Cardholders as you could save 2.6% on Regalia & 6.6% on Infinia. So for those who were asking if they have to take Visa or Mastercard, now you know.
Just incase if you think contactless terminals are too low in circulation, you maybe wrong. Its just that the shopkeepers are not aware of it. In my personal experience, about ~50% of the machines are contactless enabled.
Remember, this is a VISA only offer and so it’s not applicable for Diners credit cards.
Do you plan to use this contactless card offer? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
😬😬😬Holding Regalia first but on MasterCard world platform…such type of offers force us to think the platform of card….
Master card has to be aggressive for completing with Visa…
Finally, an offer to promote contactless cards! Completely agree with you siddharth, Infra is already there, many cards already support it but public awareness is very low. In fact, I have heard that customers panic if the merchant uses the tap feature. High time tap is adopted in time scarce locations such as toll gates. Chennai OMR toll gates are all equipped with NFC terminals but very low adoption.
Hi Sid,
Are diners card being issued now with contactless feature ?
Yes, you can ask them to re-issue.
Sir I have dinner card can I upgraded to regalia first who could it possible
HDFC bringing so many offers & most are overlapping
Now this contactless 2x & in-store 5x both will collide
Recently upgraded my Moneyback to Regalia, but Visa option was not available, took MC finally.
did u got upgrade offer direct to regalia or regalia first.
Directly from Moneyback to Regalia pre-approved in Credit Card Netbanking.
how long you been using Moneyback and usage since then?
Hi sid,
have any of you been able to use contactless payment for any diners card in India??
I have a diners black, have tried it on various machines like Hdfc ones, axis, pine labs and mswipe.
Unfortunately haven’t been able to make even a single contactless payment yet.
Same with me. I tried many times for contactless payment. So far not even a single transaction go through.
Diners doesn’t have contactless cards in India yet. If a payment network supports contactless payment, you will see the contactless symbol in the card. Diners black is not a contactless card.
HDFC started issuing Contactless cards for Diners too few months ago.
I hold dcb with contactless symbol. So i am very much sure that HDFC started giving contactless dinners card.
So had a word with customer care, they said as of now all Hdfc point of sale terminals with Tap to pay enabled are accepting diners contactless payment, unfortunately it’s not gonna work on any other bank or third party terminals for now(and they have no idea if it will in the near future).
My first tap to pay transaction try was couple of months ago on a HDFC one didn’t go through then.
Will try again now
Have tried using DCB Contactless at Reliance mall, Whitefield and it failed on PineLabs EDC. Had to use the regular way.
Have tried using diners contactless on all sorts of POS terminals including HDFC ones. It simply doesn’t work. I don’t understand why they had to launch a feature which doesn’t work anywhere.
Will this work if you use Samsung Pay? There is an ongoing 5x offer for HDFC cards on Samsung Pay till 31 Sept.
Yep symbols there but not working. Tried countless times now.
My Infinia card doesn’t seem to support contactless, are they issuing ones with the contactless feature?
Any idea if smart buy 10X getting an extension on September, I had used up August months quota, Have to book few flight tickets. Should I be waiting for a few more days to see if it gets extended (Prices seems to be fluctuating)
In the event of 10X not being extended, whats the rewards rate in Smart buy website for Infinia Card compared to other travel websites like Makemytrip?
Call up customer care and ask them for a card reissue. Infina comes with contactless
Works very well with my Regalia First. Have transacted multiple times successfully.
I tried contactless TXN with diners it not working finally did pin
HDFC credit card division not satisfactorily working. From last two years I am struggling to redeem accrued reward points. The ready-made answer was we were still tracing your application. Even in our V.V.Mohalla Mysuru branch all counters working perfectly except credit card division. Finally I decided to close my credit card and also SB account. Today I sent redemption application with registered post. Now you can’t say we have not received redemption application